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Newtown Swimming Group

For further information about Newtown U3A or any of the groups please contact: secretary@newtownu3a.co.uk

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| Home | Literary GroupFilm Appreciation | Gardening | Technology | Walking | Luncheon Club | MahJong | Environment | Swimming |
Members of U3A are all welcome to join the activities of  the groups.  Contact details of leaders are given in the Programme of Events.

The Swimming Group started in  February 2020 with a few members - as it is early days we need to see if this works.  Watch this space for further details.

So far so good.  Please check with the Maldwyn Leisure Centre to make sure the pool is open for our use 01686 628771 or visit their website 

If you need information please contact Moyra 012686 622644

Meetings held:

Wednesday - except 1st Wednesday of the month

Venue:  Maldwyn Leisure Centre,  Newtown.

Time:  11.30 am

Links: Welshpool U3A      The Virtual U3A (vU3a)